Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I've started a flight simulator in first-person view for macosx xcode "el capitan". There's a project file included. It does not have graphics files yet, but you can make them in bender ( or search google.)

The friendly bullet class needs a movement algorithm, usually Bresenham's algorithm in 3D.
The adapters (manipulators) also need to be refactored.
The source code is released under the APSL 2.0 and is available at       the comanche 3D entry


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I've extended my fantasy RTS game "Priests of Lore", there's now game objects for player and AI and other features. There are shooting archers and pegasus knights and buildings. The code can be found at

Monday, May 16, 2016

I've bought a mac mini with macos x "El Capitan" on it to write some Apple Source Licensed software.
The Open Source License of Apple Computers. It's made in the latest XCode (IDE) from the Apple Store (XCode is free.)

Thing is I started out on an adventure game kit, so with single non-moving backgrounds. There's also
entity game objects and a timered (NSTimer) move algorithm.

It's complete to start hacking further on it except maybe for an NSTimer in the mainGameLoop.

The source code can be found under the name "The Legend of Uldramar" at
