Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Evermeet 0.4.58 released, there's more Zeliard (a Sierra-On-Line game) looks now, the Gauth beholder is turned of, the code is GPL and at

Here's screenshots of what I am working on :

Monday, December 29, 2014

Evermeet 0.4 released at

There is now full support for priest and other spellcasters for enemy classes in the form of GameobjectMagicUser and GameobjectPriest in their respective *.py files.

Enemy spells are sorted into dictionaries of spells with name and spell execute function, these dicts can be derived or overwritten so you can make up your own spellbooks for your enemies. Take a look at for a beholder spellcaster and for a priest enemy. The god of the demonpriest is for now eviloveralldeity but can be set. The player gets powers granted by pressing the 'p' key and accessing them with the 'd' key. Powers get granted with a random spell based on your priest level (which can be altered throughout the gam, up and down). There's 'enhance power' and' cure light wounds for you starting priestlevel == 1 player character.

There is also a kobold wizard ( and deep gnome illusionist ( with a "mass dream" spell and its own graphics.


Sunday, December 28, 2014

There are priest and magic user subclasses now for enemies or gameobjects. The screenshot show a demon priest with an overall evil diety (he is invisible right now):

You can see the beholder flying next to the Player Character. Dictionaries of spells and priest spells have also been added for regular use. They are not filled up yet. There's about 1.5 spells in each dictionary.

The latest release with all this is at See the download area and README.txt file for more information.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

I released evermeet 0.3.42, here's the download page :

There is a demon which becomes invisible and a 'see invisibility' scroll for him as wel as Correlon Larethain and Sehanine Moonbow watching as you kill undead and spiders. The gods don't do much yet, I have to fill in their d20 roll with 20 functions and you get granted powers (priest spells) based on various things such as your priest level.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Evermeet 0.3 released. This release contains mana, magic missile scrolls, the beginning of the see invisibility scroll and priest and deity code. The source code is here :

Here's a screenshot of the mana meter on the right at the start of the game for a magic user class :

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Evermeet 0.2.84 released at in the download area.

The enemy numbers need spicing up.

Here's a screenshot of the level I am working on now :

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Evermeet 0.2.68 released, See

There are almost 4 dungeon levels now.

Happy Christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2014

My Action RPG "Isle of Evermeet" gained an update. I am speed writing it, nothing more. See for download version 0.2.30.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I released pyxiesynth at

It is a sound sample read-writer for now but I will make it into some sound sample modification tool. It has a GUI, here's a screenshot :

Futhermore I botchered up a powerpc64 neslisp (lisp->ppp64 assembler), it is found here :

Monday, December 1, 2014

I have released another version of rogues of lore 3D, you can move the monkey head with touch swipes. It is ready to be put on an android phone with the kivy launcher. The license has been changed to BSD Revised and Python Foundation License 2.0, the software can be found at