Thursday, December 26, 2013

This is a screenshot of the notebook PHP web app! :-)
I wrote a database in PHP to simplify deployment of phpHackerPortal, it needs to be tested though. I also implemented a facebook alike posting (without the db for now) on a page.
To see it run, click the first link on the page

Source code is at

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I wrote my own PHP db code for the hacker portal, mysql and postgressql apart.

The pixelart editor should work now with a color setter (a text input), then I found the trick for adding a textarea at runtime such as when you make a comment on facebook.

See the index.example.html file in the repo to test it out. The project is running at

The project is at as a git repository.

Merry Christmass to the DR rogue circle and everyone who reads my small notes here on this blog!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I found a system for pixel art in PHP by using box-shadow: parameters in CSS.
There's a small codebase now for pixelart on-the-fly editting and displaying, in phpHackerPortal.

Then I wrote some javascript support code for the project to change HTML elements in PHP/JS.

Project will be moved to but for now is at

Monday, December 23, 2013

I updated my savannah files and worked on phpHackerPortal somewhat, written in PHP for making the web hackable and having fun games and php programs on sites such as facebook or yahoo. The git repo is at

Some programs from it can be found running (and are in development) on

Sunday, December 22, 2013

I worked some more on John the sorcerer and implemented more chaos theory in libpondyparser,
such as lindemayer systems, a deque for bubbling (from bubblesort) between states of markov systems. There's also a transition_matrix class for propagation.

Here's the site :

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I worked on libpondyparser, it's now at version libpondyparser was a library I started for compiler research. It should eventually use C++ forked processes for parsing stuff. Today I built the L-systems and markov operator systems, basically a system which propagates through an adaptive or AI approach. It can then decide or randomise the pattern of compiling files e.g. you compile (+ 1 2 3 (+ 1 2 3)) in scheme by compiling the nested clause in a separate process then exiting to the compilation process which compiles the first (+ 1 2 3 X). The project site is at

Then there's my Scheme parser 'schemart' (from scheme heart as far as rogues go :-) I implemented a parse tree with node classes in C++ and a stack and queue for managing the parse tree. Later on I'll add a Scheme implementation which uses the tree. schemeart can be found at

For fun, I payed a license of the game 'Simon the Sorcerer', something from the 90ies, graphics for GNU folks.

Here's a screenshot of what I can display and the buttons down the screen work already (See for codebase) :

That's it, enjoy!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I worked on something I wanted to do all the time, a Simon the sorcerer adventure (RPG?) clone game,
here's the repo :

Screenshot :

More work later on!