Friday, August 16, 2013

squeak smalltalk games

There's more code now at

You can move the player image around with the arrow keys and you can set a background image.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

squeak smalltalk game

I am writing a game for squeak smalltalk. Squeak smalltalk is available at and there's my preliminary code at

I am also willing to write one for GNU smalltalk.

Smalltalk is really easy to program as it is a closure and overload system for methods, the same as for Objective-C. They were both invented at Xeroc Parc.

Here's my screenshot :

Friday, August 9, 2013


I am doing some smalltalk ( code. I am also playing King's Quest 1 from

Monday, August 5, 2013

ms-dos zelda

I continued work on a Zelda game for ms-dos or emulating in dosbox (, the repository is here :

Then I produced some libraries for dos, see

An actor lib and a small STL replacement.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

xmantaray2 => superprogrammer

I managed to code over 5000 lines in 36 hours. This makes me a superprogrammer according to the new hacker's dictionary.

I also updated my projects, see and

I updated the downloads so everything goes up to softpedia.

Here are the screenshots of a texture on a large surface :

I released version 0.8.0 today on after finishing the texture engine. Everything can be improved a lot, but I am writing this for functionality, not beauty.  Cheers!

Friday, August 2, 2013

xmantaray 3D framework, sphere reflection mapping

I am coding on my mapping and texturing algorithms in xmantaray2, they're not that good but the program is not big enough to process all 3D features from e.g. OpenGL. The code is at, I am also updating the wiki as a documentation system :

Here's a screenshot :

Thursday, August 1, 2013

xmantaray2 - 3D hacks engine

I worked on XMantaray2 (You need the last file _in_ the list,, here's a screenshot of the normal mapper :

You can run it under all X11 programs, macos x, bsd, linux, ...