Sunday, June 19, 2016

Last Post - This blog is continued on

Since I have problems with this google system, this blog is moved to

Again, I do not write posts here anymore this blog is continued on

See you there!

Asteris - Metroid Fusion demo

I put my old Metroid Fusion demo online. This program was written in Java and can play midi (music) files. The source code is GPL and is available at

Saturday, June 18, 2016

CGI script work in GNU smalltalk

I've put my (quite old) smalltalk CGI script code online, it has an AI in it and uses GNU smalltalk as a hashbang command line system e.g. you can do this :
#!/usr/local/bin/gst <smalltalk code>

Take a look at testst.cgi file.

The code is GPL and available at

Monday, June 13, 2016

I redefined the license of xmantaray, it is now GPL 2 or later and APSL 2.0 (Apple open source license). I've changed some things and working on version 0.9+ at together with an update to guile 1.8 for my flyer shootemup game '42 at

Thursday, June 9, 2016

I refactored collision detection in widgets and world entities again and made some preliminary classes (Gaussian Support Vector Machine and Boltzman learning) for the AI. Then I constructed an explorer ai engine which creates things on the map through fuzzy logic. This file is called

Source code is at <-- priests of lore entry

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

I added an NPC aiengine which can switch on request strings, inside theree is an explorerengine which sometimes creates things on the go. I also added the first player mana building. The code is at <-- priests of lore entry

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I wrote better collision detection for priests of lore, there's also a multiple selection by dragging the mouse in a rectangle. This creates teams for which I still need to write the AI. Source code is at

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

I am working again on priests of lore 1, this is a realtime strategy game with mana and credit producing buildings. For now I added clicking on friendly troops and buildings and a new menu gets generated at the right of the screen. A white pegasus for example has an 'explore' button widget and an 'explore and attack' button. Hovering over these things displays a selection circle. There's also a tavern building and a mana statue.

Later on I'll enter the algorithms for exploring and attacking enemy buildings and troops, there's the enemy data structure bases made already.

The game is released under the GPL and its source code is at  <--- Search the Priests of Lore entry on that page.

I've written a jumping game where you play a little dragon who jumpts on platforms and enemies. The thing was written in Kivy (not Kivy 2), which means you can play it on a phone with the Kivy launcher program at the kivy site (search google and SFY)

The game is named Dragons of Lore.

The source code is at :

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I've started a flight simulator in first-person view for macosx xcode "el capitan". There's a project file included. It does not have graphics files yet, but you can make them in bender ( or search google.)

The friendly bullet class needs a movement algorithm, usually Bresenham's algorithm in 3D.
The adapters (manipulators) also need to be refactored.
The source code is released under the APSL 2.0 and is available at       the comanche 3D entry


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I've extended my fantasy RTS game "Priests of Lore", there's now game objects for player and AI and other features. There are shooting archers and pegasus knights and buildings. The code can be found at

Monday, May 16, 2016

I've bought a mac mini with macos x "El Capitan" on it to write some Apple Source Licensed software.
The Open Source License of Apple Computers. It's made in the latest XCode (IDE) from the Apple Store (XCode is free.)

Thing is I started out on an adventure game kit, so with single non-moving backgrounds. There's also
entity game objects and a timered (NSTimer) move algorithm.

It's complete to start hacking further on it except maybe for an NSTimer in the mainGameLoop.

The source code can be found under the name "The Legend of Uldramar" at


Sunday, April 24, 2016

I released version 0.2.20 of Presence of the Wise, a model view controller in pygame coupled to an scipy/numpy adaptable system inside a tree. It remains as of yet untested, I wrote it out of my head.

Python source code is at presenceofthewise entry

Saturday, April 23, 2016

My AI-Monte Carlo engine has been extended with futures, messaging system and actors which process messages in the form of mailboxes. There is also a graph and tree which makes use of these. If you fill in some AI functionality and heuristics for processing you're done. Some iterations can be beautified with the use of python's __iter__

GPL 3 source code is at   MCSystem entry.

Friday, April 22, 2016

My Monte Carlo System now includes a dynamic weighter function, a matrix and vector class (you can use numpy if you want), python sources are at

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I am programming on a Monte Carlo AI game system, it uses statistical mechanics for converging e.g. getting better entropy.

It is called MCSystem and can be found at

See the entry MCSystem.

As of now it does not have any methods except for the system wihch will step with methods in a stepper so things like e.g. a Metropolis algorithm can be put in.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

I've started out on a Open Source company named Brandywine Software.

I develop code in Python and XCode (apple's objective-C) for PowerPC machines.

I am working on 2 roguelikes ATM and have some code but nothing usable yet.

The site with projects and source code is at

Supporting me with money is on the site pages, you can send me something for work I've done for you earlier.

If you want to contact me use

I still have lots of work to do so be patient and I will give you some software.