Monday, March 31, 2014

I made some windows 32bit executables for my super mario game, see

Then I worked on my custom R-type game, called R-Nu, I also created win32 exe files , here are the files

Here's a screenshot of R-Nu :

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I searched my garage today for old hardware and found an asrock K8N68PV motherboard. I still have DDR333 ram laying in the closet for it. This mobo is for 64 bit processors, AMD athlon 64 or sempron 64 processors.

I'll probably search for components and make a box out of it.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I took the DR rogue circle to the next level, the old files were abandoned on and I put them on a personal wiki, I wrote about 80+ pages for it. There's lots of rogue stuff on it, computer hacker howtos and so on. The home page should start you out :

Then you can see all the pages of the wiki, indexed at

I don't know if I will post it to alt.hacker on Usenet.

There's also parts of my life and other personal info of me on the wiki, so you can get to know me a little better.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I have a screenshot from John the sorcerer now where the first room is finished except for the background graphics :

files can be found at
You best download version 0.2.22.

Then I remade my old Super Mario codebase, the code and Open Content (paid for) graphics can be found at :
There's also a windows exe in that files section, run the game.exe in the subdir dist/ directory of the zipfile. graphics and maps are packed therein.
Here are some screenshots of the SMB game's first level (there are 2) :

I worked the clock round, so I'd better go to bed now :-)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I worked on John the Sorcerer some more. There's talking, picking up and walking around just as with a ScummVM engine, which was made to run Lucasfilm games. I need to implement more pathfinding algorithms as this one has some bugs. There's a pathfinding algo per room and also a default one. The dispatching of objects is a little better, small speed footprint and 3 rooms done. The inventory is also in place with keys and money. There's also fighting code but I need to think that out for this Simon the Sorcerer clone.. You can find the project at

Monday, March 24, 2014

Here's my personal wiki at, my rogue talk is mirrored there :
The rogue treaty has its own site now, here's my wiki (on the same site) from it :
You can follow ROBIN, DR rogue circle talk from me on twitter now, my username is robinoverlord. HTH.
I installed a VGA (D-SUB connector) to RCA jacks (audio-video connector such as for the NES) electronics and can I can watch torrent movies (dude shares) on my flatscreen in the living room. I will buy a TV tuner card with COAX connection later so I can ditch the huge television as I do not have a large house to live in.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I am going to shop for arduino boards. I know raspberry pi is all the hype but it's too powerful for the needs I have. Wanted to buy a 19" rack for putting electronics in but it was out of stock. Had a bad day at my parents today but showed the kits "Robin Hood" the 1973 disney movie, the littlest one liked it.

Friday, March 21, 2014

I programmed a webpage icon editor (pixelart) a while ago which now has a xpm file dumper for the maximum of 256 colors. It has been added to my php hacker portal at

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I became a GNU maintainer with phpHackerPortal as official GNU software. I am working on animated pixelized animation (such as a sequence of xpm files) in CSS, Javascript and PHP. I made an 8x8 example picture which moves from left to right on the screen. The git repo contains what I made, the project is now hosted at


Sunday, March 9, 2014

I added a Buddhism and Shopping topic to the rogue treaty dictionary file. I also updated the project page, See for the files and for sourceforge data.

I will work somewhat on the wiki at sourceforge later on.