Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Evermeet 0.4.58 released, there's more Zeliard (a Sierra-On-Line game) looks now, the Gauth beholder is turned of, the code is GPL and at

Here's screenshots of what I am working on :

Monday, December 29, 2014

Evermeet 0.4 released at

There is now full support for priest and other spellcasters for enemy classes in the form of GameobjectMagicUser and GameobjectPriest in their respective *.py files.

Enemy spells are sorted into dictionaries of spells with name and spell execute function, these dicts can be derived or overwritten so you can make up your own spellbooks for your enemies. Take a look at for a beholder spellcaster and for a priest enemy. The god of the demonpriest is for now eviloveralldeity but can be set. The player gets powers granted by pressing the 'p' key and accessing them with the 'd' key. Powers get granted with a random spell based on your priest level (which can be altered throughout the gam, up and down). There's 'enhance power' and' cure light wounds for you starting priestlevel == 1 player character.

There is also a kobold wizard ( and deep gnome illusionist ( with a "mass dream" spell and its own graphics.


Sunday, December 28, 2014

There are priest and magic user subclasses now for enemies or gameobjects. The screenshot show a demon priest with an overall evil diety (he is invisible right now):

You can see the beholder flying next to the Player Character. Dictionaries of spells and priest spells have also been added for regular use. They are not filled up yet. There's about 1.5 spells in each dictionary.

The latest release with all this is at See the download area and README.txt file for more information.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

I released evermeet 0.3.42, here's the download page :

There is a demon which becomes invisible and a 'see invisibility' scroll for him as wel as Correlon Larethain and Sehanine Moonbow watching as you kill undead and spiders. The gods don't do much yet, I have to fill in their d20 roll with 20 functions and you get granted powers (priest spells) based on various things such as your priest level.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Evermeet 0.3 released. This release contains mana, magic missile scrolls, the beginning of the see invisibility scroll and priest and deity code. The source code is here :

Here's a screenshot of the mana meter on the right at the start of the game for a magic user class :

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Evermeet 0.2.84 released at in the download area.

The enemy numbers need spicing up.

Here's a screenshot of the level I am working on now :

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Evermeet 0.2.68 released, See

There are almost 4 dungeon levels now.

Happy Christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2014

My Action RPG "Isle of Evermeet" gained an update. I am speed writing it, nothing more. See for download version 0.2.30.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I released pyxiesynth at

It is a sound sample read-writer for now but I will make it into some sound sample modification tool. It has a GUI, here's a screenshot :

Futhermore I botchered up a powerpc64 neslisp (lisp->ppp64 assembler), it is found here :

Monday, December 1, 2014

I have released another version of rogues of lore 3D, you can move the monkey head with touch swipes. It is ready to be put on an android phone with the kivy launcher. The license has been changed to BSD Revised and Python Foundation License 2.0, the software can be found at

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Got an 12" iBook in with postage this afternoon, no disk drives but USB and HDD. Am probably going to university for hacking in the student room in the labs. I only got some sleep from 1am to 3am this morning. Lost in Wonderland.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I wrote a small portable DNS server in C for managing our site with custom DNS. It'll get a web interface for exploring the caches of the internet :-)

The thing is BSD Revised licensed at

I am programming on Stiky, a WikiWikiwWeb (or short wiki) implementation coded in GNU Smalltalk. The project is in the from of a CGI script with some smalltalk classes, the code can be found here (BSD Revised License) :

Monday, June 9, 2014

I've been playing "settlers 2 - gold edition" and am going to write a remake for Apple's XCode, I need to rethink my game concepts.

Friday, June 6, 2014

After searching for taking my game developement to phones (android, win32 and iOS) I bounced into Kivy ( It looks like it's a pygame alternative, with different API that runs on my Linux and mac machines. Or it runs the pygame packages setup in the kivy interpreter. I only have an android phone for now though. I'll see what it can do.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

I worked some more (at uni) on pyisabella, isabella stands for the concubine of Dracula, who is featured in Castlevania games. There's now full movement code of room&player, see for yourself at :

Then WarioWorld has been extended as an intel XCode project with main class pattern just as in Java based games, it's here :

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Another Castlevania based game from me made with Python and Pygame, released under BSD Revised and GPL2. The code is more OOP, the source is at :

Here's a screenshot :

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

More work on an Apple SDL game engine with featured Megaman game.

I called it Bouzouioulli after some good friends who played "Woodruff and The Schnibble of Azimuth" back in the 90ies it was a Sierra On-Line game which was the last of the gobliins series.

Anyway, the BSD Revised (apple owned) is at

Monday, June 2, 2014

I am programming BSD licensed apple software, I am working on a hybrid C++/Objective-C application running over SDL. The first game based on it will be a megaman.

Source code for XCode (powerpc files for now but should compile on higher xcode versions.

Link :

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I am working on a Wario game codebase released under BSD Revised running on intel and powerpc apple compters. It is develope in the XCode IDE so you can just compile and launch it.

The source code is here :

Monday, May 26, 2014

I worked some more on a decent Sprite class from the book, "Teach yourself Internet Game Programming with Java in 21 days" free book link :

Angel's Destiny code with this Sprite class included is at :

Apparently it uses a deprecated API but it's very good for making Sprites with a state machine. There's a derived Gnome Sprite ( in the works.

The I started work on a non-texture, colored 3D sprite editor named pycollibri :

pycollibri is licensed BSD Revised _and_ GPL version 2.

You can draw lines with it for now which will be ordered in space, have a light source on them and then will become smoothed and written to its own fileformat. These 3D models are for Angel's Destiny.

Read the README file for more information.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Worked some more on Angel's Destiny : There are elven lands with a capital and some gnome mountains now and I will probably take the route of Senseiku Densetsu with a demon king ruling the mountain region which has to be vanquished for restoring peace then going on with the storyline. Gnomes are going to be something of a fire gnome (red) and having lots of magic and intelligence as a present. The experience points system is almost in place, it does not get split up between player characters for now. Then I need to do the inventory/character sheet things.

I need to redo the sea on the right of the elven lands as it is too much Ultima 6 based as in my previously written game, Kobold's Quest 1 (

I used to play lots of Adventure and Ultima games when I was younger and inventing a good story is much harder than writing the next codebase. Playing lots of games on consoles, emulators helps out.

Friday, May 23, 2014

I started work on Angel's Destiny again. It's a Java based Final Fantasy game with its own storyline. The files can be found here :

Here's the latest overworld screenshot :

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Didn't go for a drink after all, programmed some more on the Super Castlevania.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tomorrow to uni for a drink, it's been 2 years for that.
Writing a Castlevania based on Super Castlevania for Nintendo Europe. This time no open code, I am working for real money now (not always).

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I made an extra box out of some pieces.

Ready to implement some OpenGL code in Python for making more games out of it.

One day a week work at uni.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Back to painting miniatures and improving so I can sell some of them for a better living, lots of groveling in boxes and minis. Preparing for tournament here and there also.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Been to wednesday night magic (draft) and am working on some software contracts for money.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Bought a Powrmac G4 (tower) for 40 euros and am salvaging him. Coded somewhat on neslisp.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

I made a box out of a Cyrix 233MHz processor with MediaGX support. I am now compiling my own Linux kernel for it. It has a lot of extensions which I will use for hardware hacking. The extensions include 3 firewire 400 ports, 4 COM ports (RS232) and lots more.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I am writing a small memoryprint operating system (now 5.2Kb) called ados, the code is at

To try it out, run make in the ados/kernel subdirectory to compile then use QEMU (, with the following command : 'qemu-system-i386 -kernel kernel.bin' (kernel.bin is made with the make command.)
Then you'll see the kernel.bin binary booting and the kernel goes idle.

You can also make a CDROM/DVDROM iso file with the script in the ados/scripts directory then burn it and boot it with the cd in the drive.

TODO and further HACKING :
I am working on a bootloader, task management system and disk master boot record program, see for your self in the HACKING and README files in the project. Maybe later there's lots of other things planned as I want to use it for embedded devices with serial ports and so on.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I recuperated an old sourceforge login, for example Igor's Quest is in there at

The login was 'coffeefizzle', so if you see something named 'coffeefizzle' it'll be me on the net :-)
Here's the software in a list :
Here's a screenshot :

I made an xpm filereader for Commodore 64, so you can have your images on a ROM, code is at

Monday, April 21, 2014

I am working on a port of neslisp to the commodore 64. Commodore64 and nes (nintendo entertainment system) have the same processor to program for. You can compile it for both these architectures with cc65 ( I have placed the project at Sourceforge. Here's the link :

The supported lisp syntax is still the same, keywords are stored in the moose.config file. Read the README for more information.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

I put an old (and botcherous) codebase online based on dwarrendelf, it is Game Boy Advance C code and features some Zelda graphics. It needs a better imaging system. Here's the link :

Friday, April 11, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Assassin of the Underdark 0.5 has been released . See

I am working on something else now as the above program has its engine finished and is ready to implement player character features, more spells (there's a fireball spell and effect) and so on.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I made a small Python Shell Window out of Assassin of the Underdark's widget toolkit, it's kindof klugy but it works on "def" and tabulates, it's in
as the asa seperate program.

There's now also plugnis loaded at the start of the program.

Monday, April 7, 2014

I worked on script-fu scripts and made Assssin of the Underdark ready for the same thing : using Python code on pygame image surfaces and buffers to create effects such as in Gimp. I might put my scheme interpeter schemeart later inside the program but Python code seems more logical now.

Everything is at

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I made a windows win32 release of Assassin of the Underdark, exe file downloads are at  :

See the README files for keyboard controls and further information.
I rearranged the blitting code of "Assassin of the Underdark", made label widgets, monk and assassin classes, cleaned up the picture directory and scripted some more. See

Saturday, April 5, 2014

I integrated the widget system in the character chooser screens of assassin of the underdark. There's also further resource management.


Friday, April 4, 2014

I released assassin of the underdark 0.4 today, here are the release notes :

 You can now choose characters with elf, drow, human, katta, and gnoll races, as well as fighter, magic, user, and thief classes. There are also multiclasses between these. A resource manager with an interface to a database (now just a simple dictionary) has been added. A widget system is in place based on pygame's SDL, in the form of a button and a rootwindow which catches SDL events. Picking up everything is possible, such as a goblin. Using the preselected inventory item on the taskbar works, you can change swords by picking them up, and there's spell casting (without graphical effects yet).

Here's the site

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I programmed a full resource database with observer design pattern between resource (image for example) and database, database uses python dictionary default in base class (which can be changed underneath), widget system and player char image resource graphics.

Everything is in
and latest python source code tarballs in :

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I implemented the widget system of assassin of the underdark and made a start for a multiclass chooser the code is at

Monday, March 31, 2014

I made some windows 32bit executables for my super mario game, see

Then I worked on my custom R-type game, called R-Nu, I also created win32 exe files , here are the files

Here's a screenshot of R-Nu :

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I searched my garage today for old hardware and found an asrock K8N68PV motherboard. I still have DDR333 ram laying in the closet for it. This mobo is for 64 bit processors, AMD athlon 64 or sempron 64 processors.

I'll probably search for components and make a box out of it.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I took the DR rogue circle to the next level, the old files were abandoned on and I put them on a personal wiki, I wrote about 80+ pages for it. There's lots of rogue stuff on it, computer hacker howtos and so on. The home page should start you out :

Then you can see all the pages of the wiki, indexed at

I don't know if I will post it to alt.hacker on Usenet.

There's also parts of my life and other personal info of me on the wiki, so you can get to know me a little better.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I have a screenshot from John the sorcerer now where the first room is finished except for the background graphics :

files can be found at
You best download version 0.2.22.

Then I remade my old Super Mario codebase, the code and Open Content (paid for) graphics can be found at :
There's also a windows exe in that files section, run the game.exe in the subdir dist/ directory of the zipfile. graphics and maps are packed therein.
Here are some screenshots of the SMB game's first level (there are 2) :

I worked the clock round, so I'd better go to bed now :-)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I worked on John the Sorcerer some more. There's talking, picking up and walking around just as with a ScummVM engine, which was made to run Lucasfilm games. I need to implement more pathfinding algorithms as this one has some bugs. There's a pathfinding algo per room and also a default one. The dispatching of objects is a little better, small speed footprint and 3 rooms done. The inventory is also in place with keys and money. There's also fighting code but I need to think that out for this Simon the Sorcerer clone.. You can find the project at

Monday, March 24, 2014

Here's my personal wiki at, my rogue talk is mirrored there :
The rogue treaty has its own site now, here's my wiki (on the same site) from it :
You can follow ROBIN, DR rogue circle talk from me on twitter now, my username is robinoverlord. HTH.
I installed a VGA (D-SUB connector) to RCA jacks (audio-video connector such as for the NES) electronics and can I can watch torrent movies (dude shares) on my flatscreen in the living room. I will buy a TV tuner card with COAX connection later so I can ditch the huge television as I do not have a large house to live in.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I am going to shop for arduino boards. I know raspberry pi is all the hype but it's too powerful for the needs I have. Wanted to buy a 19" rack for putting electronics in but it was out of stock. Had a bad day at my parents today but showed the kits "Robin Hood" the 1973 disney movie, the littlest one liked it.

Friday, March 21, 2014

I programmed a webpage icon editor (pixelart) a while ago which now has a xpm file dumper for the maximum of 256 colors. It has been added to my php hacker portal at

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I became a GNU maintainer with phpHackerPortal as official GNU software. I am working on animated pixelized animation (such as a sequence of xpm files) in CSS, Javascript and PHP. I made an 8x8 example picture which moves from left to right on the screen. The git repo contains what I made, the project is now hosted at


Sunday, March 9, 2014

I added a Buddhism and Shopping topic to the rogue treaty dictionary file. I also updated the project page, See for the files and for sourceforge data.

I will work somewhat on the wiki at sourceforge later on.